Welcome to RANMA BOOKS, a community of artists and fans committed to keeping Ranma Hentai alive! Please consider lending us your support!

In 2024, the Ranmabooks Patreon is remastering a new comic project: Naughty Bits! We’ve gone back to the start and will be releasing each remastered page in order for all patrons.

A full rundown of everything that has changed during the remastering process, as well as visual comparisons to the original files, can be found at the Patreon for each posted page.

Periodically, we’ll be transferring those remastered Naughty Bits pages here for preservation at Ranmabooks.com (after a reasonable window of exclusivity for patrons). This is the second batch.

Expect early Naughty Bits art to be crude, but cute. Later installments feature the detail and quality of our best comics. Please enjoy the ride there!

Special attention: The three-part Naughty Bits mini-comic, Improbable Date, has an expanded finale that readers won’t want to miss!

Now Available: Naughty Bits Remastered (Pages 0017 – 0027)