Welcome to RANMA BOOKS, a community of artists and fans committed to keeping Ranma Hentai alive! Please consider lending us your support!

Hey gang!

As folks have seen on the site calendar, our goal was to bring back My Teacher is My Princess (MTP) this month. However, a series of production challenges have pushed the project back into February.

First, parties needed to progress the project were not all available due to professional and personal reasons. Most critically, our primary colorist had COVID which cost us about 2 weeks of production time. While they’ve recovered now, we’re behind. We refuse to rush comics out the door though, no matter how badly we want to focus on that content as these projects remain our pride and joy. So while MTP gets more TLC, we’ll be finishing all remaining Fan Requests posted in 2023. Two are near completion and will be released in the first week of February. Many more will come throughout the month.

Thanks for the community’s patience and support. Expect the Calendar of Events to be updated before the weekend. Be assured that we’ll do our best to bump back up the number of updates now that artists are healthy again.

-Deep Star